St Alkmund’s Church is at the top of Bargate, Whitchurch, next to the site of the original Whitchurch Grammar School. At the west end of the Church is a triptych form war memorial with a central panel of …
The British War Medal (also known as ‘Squeak’) was a silver or bronze medal awarded to officers and men of the British and Imperial Forces who either entered a theatre of war or entered service overseas between 5th August 1914 …
I first started visiting the Battlefields, Cemeteries and Memorials of the Western Front some fifteen years ago. Three years ago I decided to research the names on the War Memorial in Station Road, that’s all they are names, carved …
Report in the Whitchurch Herald 16th November 1918 relating to the death of Frank Viggor “The sad news that Mr F Viggor, late of Messrs Tupling & Viggor Ironmongers of Whitchurch, has been killed in action in France was received …
Born in Over, Cheshire in 1879, the second son of Joseph and Sarah Viggor. Frank lodged at 8 Richmond Terrace, Station Road, Whitchurch before moving close by to Laurel Mount in Station Road. He was an ironmonger with a shop …