Report in the Whitchurch Herald 6th May 1916 on the death of Stanley Victor Newbrook
Letter received by Mr & Mrs Newbrook;
"It is with the deepest regret that I have to inform you that your son Sgt. Stanley Newbrook, C, Coy. 2nd RWF is missing, believed killed. He went out with a party of his company and raided the hostile trenches, a bomb was seen to explode by him and from then onwards he was not seen again. At the time he was fighting with a German. I know you will feel the loss of him, but I can assure you he will be very much missed by myself and all his company. He was a brave boy and exceptionally devoted to his duty; and for which I have had his name sent forward for distinction"
Captain W H Slanway
2nd RWF
Whitchurch Herald 6th May 1916