Arthur Palin

Cheshire Regiment

Personal Details

  • Born 1897
  • Next of kin - Mrs Ryder, 7 Yardington, Whitchurch (Foster Mother)
  • Civilian occupation - Farm labourer

Military Details

Regiment : Cheshire Regiment
Rank : Private
Service Number : 27253

  • 30/06/1915 Enlisted with Cheshire Regiment
  • 03/03/1916 Embarked S.S.Queen for France
  • 13/03/1916 Joined 9th Battalion
  • 10/07/1916 Wounded in action - gunshot wound to right leg
  • 03/08/1916 Rejoined 1st Battalion in Field
  • 05/09/1916 Wounded in action - gunshot wound to left shoulder

If you can provide any further information on Arthur Palin please get in touch by leaving a comment below, using our Contact Form or by calling in to Whitchurch Heritage Centre.

Information provided by Whitchurch Museum and Archives

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