County branches of the Red Cross had their own groups of male and female volunteers called Voluntary Aid Detachments. At the beginning of WW1 the V.A.Ds carried out a range of voluntary positions including nursing, transport duties, working parties and the organisation of rest stations and auxiliary hospitals.
In September 1915 a “general service” section of the V.A.D. was established. The new roles undertaken included dispensers, clerks, cooks and storekeepers, replacing the men who had gone off to fight.
VAD hospitals and depots in the Whitchurch area included :
Seven Sisters, Ellesmere
Oteley, Ellesmere
Broughall, Whitchurch
Trimpley Hall, Ellesmere
Hi I am trying to find any records of my Gran, Ethel May Beech, born 7 April 1899, lived in Whitchurch and I know she worked in a local hospital on a voluntary basis cleaning floors and operating theatres for the soldier that came home disabled and in need of medical attention, my mom remembers very little although she worked alongside a Lady Mary who also cleaned alongside her despite her privileged background which I know my Gran was very impressed with. Any records with her name on would be fantastic and I will look out some photos see if I can get any clues too.
Hi Susan
We have information on Miss Etty Beech which we found on the Red Cross website. Unfortunately the search facility doesn’t seem to work anymore so I will send you my notes in the next couple of days
Look forward to seeing your photos
(volunteer curator)